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Time and a Half Calculator

Time and a Half Calculator

What is a Time and a Half Calculator?

A Time and a Half Calculator is a tool used to calculate overtime pay. When an employee works beyond their regular hours, they are often entitled to extra pay, typically at a rate of time and a half (1.5 times their standard rate). This calculator helps to determine the extra pay earned.

Calculate Your Overtime Pay

What is Time and a Half Calculator?

The Time and a Half Calculator helps employees and employers calculate the extra payment owed for overtime hours worked, which is typically calculated at 1.5 times the regular hourly rate.

How to Use Time and a Half Calculator?

Simply enter your regular hourly rate and the number of overtime hours worked into the calculator, and it will compute the extra pay you should receive at the time and a half rate.

What is the Formula for Time and a Half Calculator?

The formula for calculating overtime pay at time and a half is:
Overtime Pay = Overtime Hours x (Hourly Rate x 1.5)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Time and a Half Calculator


  • Simplifies the calculation of overtime pay.
  • Saves time compared to manual calculation.
  • Ensures accurate pay calculations.
  • Easy to use for employees and employers alike.


  • Does not account for tax deductions or other withholdings.
  • Does not handle complex pay rates for different days/times.