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PVGO Calculator

PVGO Calculator

What is PVGO Calculator?

The PVGO (Present Value of Growth Opportunities) Calculator is a tool designed to help investors and business owners calculate the potential value of a company's future growth. It evaluates how much the company's future growth is worth today, helping in better investment decisions and valuation.

PVGO Calculator

Enter the required values to calculate the Present Value of Growth Opportunities (PVGO) for your business or investment.

What is PVGO Calculator?

The PVGO Calculator helps to determine the value of future growth opportunities in a company. It assists in assessing how much of a company's value comes from its growth potential as opposed to its existing operations.

How to Use PVGO Calculator Website?

To use the PVGO Calculator, input the company's earnings, growth rate, cost of equity, and current stock price. Then click "Calculate PVGO" to get the present value of growth opportunities for the company.

Formula of PVGO Calculator

The formula used by the PVGO Calculator is:

PVGO = P - (E / r)

E = Earnings,
r = Cost of equity,
P = Current stock price,
g = Growth rate (not directly used in the formula but affects earnings over time).

Advantages and Disadvantages of PVGO Calculator


  • Helps in evaluating a company's growth potential
  • Provides insights into the value of future growth opportunities
  • Supports investment decisions and company valuation
  • Quick and easy to use


  • Depends on accurate estimates of earnings and cost of equity
  • May not account for all risk factors
  • Assumes a constant growth rate, which may not be realistic