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Intrinsic Value Calculator

Intrinsic Value Calculator

Intrinsic Value Calculator

The Intrinsic Value Calculator helps investors determine the true value of a stock or asset. It uses a formula based on key financial parameters like earnings, growth rate, and discount rate to assess whether a stock is undervalued or overvalued in the market.

Intrinsic Value Calculator

What is Intrinsic Value Calculator?

The Intrinsic Value Calculator is a tool used by investors to estimate the real value of a stock based on key financial parameters. It helps investors decide if a stock is worth buying or selling based on its current price compared to its intrinsic value.

How to Use Intrinsic Value Calculator?

To use the Intrinsic Value Calculator, simply input the stock’s Earnings per Share (EPS), Growth Rate, and Discount Rate. The calculator will then compute the intrinsic value of the stock based on these inputs.

What is the Formula of Intrinsic Value Calculator?

The formula for calculating intrinsic value is based on the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method. It is:

Intrinsic Value = EPS * (1 + Growth Rate) / (Discount Rate - Growth Rate)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Intrinsic Value Calculator


  • Helps assess whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued.
  • Offers a more objective approach to stock valuation.
  • Can aid in long-term investment decisions.


  • Depends on accurate financial inputs, which may be difficult to predict.
  • Does not consider external market factors like sentiment or competition.
  • Relies on assumptions that may not always hold true.