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Interpolation Calculator

Interpolation Calculator

Interpolation Calculator

Interpolation calculator helps estimate values between two known data points. It is widely used to calculate unknown values within a range based on a given mathematical relationship. This tool allows you to input values and easily find the interpolated result.

Interpolation Calculator

What is an Interpolation Calculator?

An interpolation calculator helps in estimating unknown values based on known data points. It uses a mathematical method to predict values that lie between two known values. This is commonly used in statistics, science, and engineering.

How to Use the Interpolation Calculator Website?

To use the interpolation calculator, enter the values for the two known points (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2), then provide the X value you want to interpolate. The calculator will estimate the corresponding Y value for the given X.

Interpolation Formula

The formula used for interpolation is:

            Y = Y1 + ((X - X1) * (Y2 - Y1)) / (X2 - X1)

Advantages and Disadvantages of an Interpolation Calculator


  • Quick and easy estimation of unknown values.
  • Helps in making decisions when exact data is not available.
  • Widely used in various fields such as science, engineering, and economics.


  • Results may be inaccurate if the data points are not representative of the actual trend.
  • Cannot predict values outside the given range (extrapolation).