Home Calculator Debt to Asset Ratio Calculator

Debt to Asset Ratio Calculator

Debt to Asset Ratio Calculator

What is Debt to Asset Ratio Calculator?

The Debt to Asset Ratio Calculator helps determine the ratio between a company's total debt and its total assets. This financial ratio is useful for assessing the level of risk a company faces due to its debt load. It helps investors and analysts gauge the company's financial health.

Debt to Asset Ratio Calculator

What is Debt to Asset Ratio Calculator?

The Debt to Asset Ratio Calculator provides an easy way to calculate the proportion of a company's debt relative to its total assets, helping evaluate its financial leverage.

How to Use Debt to Asset Ratio Calculator?

To use the Debt to Asset Ratio Calculator, enter the values for total debt and total assets into the respective fields. After clicking the "Calculate" button, the calculator will provide you with the Debt to Asset Ratio.

What is the Formula of Debt to Asset Ratio Calculator?

The formula to calculate Debt to Asset Ratio is:

Debt to Asset Ratio = Total Debt / Total Assets

Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt to Asset Ratio Calculator


  • Helps in assessing the financial risk of a company.
  • Useful for investors to analyze a company's debt management.
  • Easy to use and quickly provides insight into financial leverage.


  • Does not provide a full picture of financial health; needs to be analyzed with other ratios.
  • May not reflect short-term liquidity or solvency issues.
  • Different industries have varying standards for acceptable debt levels.