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Black Scholes Calculator

Black Scholes Calculator

Black Scholes Calculator

The Black Scholes Calculator website helps investors and traders calculate the theoretical price of European call and put options using the Black-Scholes model. This tool assists in determining the price of options based on key factors such as stock price, strike price, time to expiration, volatility, and interest rates.

Black Scholes Option Pricing Calculator

What is Black Scholes Calculator?

The Black Scholes Calculator helps investors and traders calculate the theoretical price of European-style options based on various factors. By inputting the stock price, strike price, time to expiration, volatility, and interest rate, you can estimate the fair value of both call and put options.

What is Black Scholes Calculator Website?

The Black Scholes Calculator website provides an easy-to-use platform for calculating option prices based on the Black-Scholes model. It simplifies the process of determining option values, making it an essential tool for anyone involved in options trading or financial analysis.

How to Use Black Scholes Calculator Website

To use the Black Scholes Calculator website, enter the required data: stock price, strike price, time to expiration, volatility, and risk-free interest rate. Once the values are entered, click the "Calculate" button to get the theoretical price of call and put options.

What is the Formula of Black Scholes Calculator?

The Black-Scholes formula is used to calculate the theoretical price of options. The formula for a European call option (C) is:

C = S * N(d1) - K * e^(-rT) * N(d2)
Where: - S = Stock price - K = Strike price - r = Risk-free interest rate - T = Time to expiration (in years) - N(d1) and N(d2) are cumulative distribution functions for the standard normal distribution. Similarly, the formula for the European put option (P) is:
P = K * e^(-rT) * N(-d2) - S * N(-d1)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Black Scholes Calculator


  • Quick and easy calculation of option prices.
  • Helps in evaluating fair value based on key market factors.
  • Widely used by traders and investors for option pricing.


  • Assumes constant volatility and interest rates, which may not always reflect real market conditions.
  • Does not account for dividends in its calculations.
  • Limited to European options, not applicable for American options.