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Basis Point Calculator

Basis Point Calculator

Basis Point Calculator

The Basis Point Calculator helps you convert between basis points and percentage points. It is a useful tool for financial professionals and investors who need to measure small changes in financial data, like interest rates or bond yields, where one basis point equals 0.01%.

What is Basis Point Calculator?

The Basis Point Calculator helps you easily convert between basis points and percentage values. It is especially useful in the financial world, where changes in rates or values are often quoted in basis points. One basis point is equivalent to 0.01%, or 1/100th of a percent.

How to Use the Basis Point Calculator?

To use the Basis Point Calculator, follow these steps:

  • Enter Basis Points: If you have a value in basis points, enter the number of basis points.
  • Enter Percentage Value: If you have a percentage, enter the percentage value.
  • Click "Convert Basis Points": The calculator will automatically convert the input value into the corresponding percentage or basis points.

What is the Formula of Basis Point Calculator?

The formula used in the calculator for conversion is:

1 Basis Point = 0.01%

For converting a basis point to percentage:

Percentage = Basis Points × 0.01

For converting a percentage to basis points:

Basis Points = Percentage × 100

Advantages and Disadvantages of Basis Point Calculator


  • Quickly converts basis points to percentage values and vice versa.
  • Accurate and precise calculations for financial professionals and investors.
  • Helps in measuring small changes in rates, yields, or financial data.


  • Only useful for converting basis points to percentages, not for complex financial calculations.
  • Does not account for factors like time or compounding, which are needed in other financial calculations.